Brush Pickup
Bloomingdale Township Road District offers brush pickup as a service to residents in the unincorporated areas. The Township Brush Removal Program is for the homeowner's convenience. We have a brush chipper designed to mulch those limbs and branches that do not qualify as yard waste. Our equipment is not designed to grind small twigs and evergreen trimmings. Your garbage service will take yard waste and roots for a nominal cost. If it fits into a bag, it is yard waste and will not be accepted by the township.
This program is limited to small property maintenance clean-up projects and not intended for collection of limbs or trunks from whole tree removals, which MUST be disposed of privately.
Week of April 21st
Week of June 16th
Week of August 18th
Week of October 20th
The following information shall assist residents regarding brush pickup procedures:
ONLY ONE (1) PILE PER EACH HOUSE. THE SIZE OF THE BRUSH PILE MUST NOT EXCEED 20 FEET LONG, 10 FEET WIDE, AND 4 FEET HIGH. BRANCHES OR LIMBS CANNOT EXCEED 10 INCHES IN DIAMETER. Any brush pile larger than this limit and any limbs or branches exceeding 10" will result in no pickup at all for that address.
Brush piles must be placed on the parkway not on the road causing a safety hazard. The piles must be stacked in an orderly fashion and not tied in bundles. Brush left out in a tangled mess will not be picked up.
ITEMS NOT ALLOWED: Stumps, root balls, roots, lumber, metal of any kind, posts, clippings, dirt, grass, flowers, weeds, plants, leaves, plastic bags, and any type of household garbage.
This brush pickup program is intended solely for the use of the residents of unincorporated Bloomingdale Township and shall not be used by contractors and/or residents clearing lots for homes and private roads. DO NOT PLACE PILE IN FRONT OF VACANT LOTS. Cutting down a tree is not considered to be trimming or pruning and the Township will not remove the debris. Downed trees by storms will be the responsibility of the homeowner to have removed.
Brush must be out no later than 7:00 AM on the Monday morning of the scheduled pick up week. Brush must not be placed on the parkway until the weekend prior to the scheduled pick-up. THE CREW WILL BE MAKING ONLY ONE PASS DOWN EACH BLOCK AND WILL NOT RETURN.
The Township will not remove any brush placed in the parkway after the scheduled pickup is complete.