One of our new trucks

Highway Department #630-529-5221

Keeping Our Roads Clear and Safe

Road Maintenance, Brush Pickup & Snow Removal

The Highway Department is responsible for approximately 65+ miles of roads and right-of-ways in the unincorporated areas in Bloomingdale Township. The Highway Department removes snow and ice from the roads, cuts grass along the right-of-ways in front of vacant property, maintains the drainage ditches, and maintains the road surface. The Highway Department, also, maintains and installs traffic control and street signs, and helps protect the wetlands.

We are committed to assist our residents with services to make your township clean and safe. If you need help, please call the office at 630-529-5221 or email us.

Bloomingdale Township HIGHWAY Services

Maintaining Roads for Safe Travel



When snow accumulation reaches 1 to 2 inches, we begin snow plow operations.

Brush Pickup

Brush Pickup

Week of April 21st

Textile Recycling

Textile Recycling

Residents can donate unwanted clothing and textiles for reuse and recycling.

Ditches & Right-of-Way

Ditches & Right-of-Way

Maintains the drainage, ditches, right of ways, and road surfaces.

Electronic Recycling

Electronic Recycling

Saturday, April 19th 

Traffic Control

Traffic Control

Maintains and installs traffic control and street signs.

Township Wood Chipper

Useful Information

Construction and Safety



Permits are required for any type of construction work. (Entrance Permit)

Overnight Parking

Overnight Parking

For the purpose of public safety, an overnight parking ban is in effect.



Follow these guidelines for proper installation of mailboxes.